Quick Load Servo Manual

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Our shop has recently acquired two use Daewoo lathes. Both have Fanuc controls. They both also have LNS Quick Load barfeeders.

The Quick Load Servo III offersmaximum flexibility for small and medium-sized runs in the 6 to 120 mm diameterrange. This bar loader can be fitted to most lathes of fixed headstocks and allows alarge.

I am totally familiar with Hydrobar barfeeders but the quick loads are new to me. They are working just fine until the end of the bar. At end of bar the barfeeder will retract, ready the next bar in the top load position and wait for the collet open signal from the machine. What is suppose to happen next?

Isn't the next bar suppose to load? If so how do I get the next bar to load itself? Should I have a call out for subroutine in all of my part programs? Should I run these programs with the block skip function active until the machine is running the last part then deactivate the block skip causing the subroutine to run?

If so what should the subroutine look like? Is there something else entirely that is supposed to happen?

Repeatedly reading the manuals doesn't seem to help so I leaving up to you guys. Your a bit vague on what model you have. Is it just a 'Quickload'? Or is possibly a 'Servo' or S2 or S3 and I think the S4 is out now.???

You should not be needing eny block skips. Is your collet not opening? Does the whole process stop there on it's own?


Or does the machine continue on and cut air? Either way - I am guessing that you have not entered your M code in the prog telling the control where in the prog to doo a load? Every machine could have a diff M code for this. But on one of mine it is M61. Where you put the code in the prog will depend on how it acts too. I have a 'Servo' and an S2 on diff machines and they function differently. I am not sure if it is the macro on the machine or the feeder?

Enyway - the one that I use the most looks like this: O1234 (Sample Prog) G97 G98 G20 G10 P0 X0 Z-? M61 N1 T101 (Trigon) bla bla bla That M code pulls up two macros. On my machine they are O8998 and O8999. Being 8000 progs these are intended to be user definable.

O8998 is used for gitt'n the turret out of the way, dealing with a slug, or whatever prep werk needed. Mine simply opens the collet. Could also be used to stop the spindle - or in some cases actually start the spindle to something like 50rpm for loading hex in a non-hex spindle loader as well. (Sample may not be exact - I am not loking at the machine.) O8998 (Bar End) M21 M99 At this point the control should signal the loader that it is ready for the bar to be loaded.

Once the bar is loaded the loader flag should retract fully and the 'pusher' should finish sending the front end of the bar to your 'Top Cut' point that is determined in the setup params on the feeder if it is a 'Servo or S' model. Then it will pull up the second macro that is used for qualifying the end of the bar if you want. I started with a Trigon originally - but after mucking that up a few times - I decided that a cut-off toy was a better fit for the job. Once aggin - this is just an example and may or may not be exactly what I am running.) O8999 (Top Cut) M22 G4 X1. M14 S1000 N1 T1111 (Cutoff) G0 X2.Z.025 G1 X1. X.05 S1500 G0 X2.1 T0 X15. M99 In this macro you should edit the starting X value to be in line with the bar D you are running.

You could just set it to clear your maxx bar. While wasting time - it does make it more idiot proof to aid your learning curve or if multiple operators are setting up.

Some (most?) folks load their bars near the end of the prog I think? On the Quickload Servo or S2 if your 'parts remaining' count is 0 it will go into the loading cycle, but one of mine at least - if I just fed out at the end of my prog and I am latched in in continuous mode - it will run that last part. On the other machine/loader combo it will not. LNS assumes it is the macro on my machine is diff. Your M code list should show the code for feeding. If not - maybe there is some old progs left on the machines to explore? There should also be a '9000' prog/macro associated with this M code.

I would Shirley assume that these are already on your machines and you just need to find the M code to get things rolling. Think Snow Eh!

Lns Quick Load Servo 65 Manual

Is there something else entirely that is supposed to happen? Repeatedly reading the manuals doesn't seem to help so I leaving up to you guys. Thanks.Reading the manual probably won't help, either.

When a barfeed is connected, or interfaced, with a lathe, much of the wiring is up to the installer. Barfeeds are often built with a 'universal' interface, which I define as 'fits nothing'.

The end-of-bar signal could be processed by the lathe as an optional block skip, a feed hold, or an actual out-of-material signal, or something else. It has to do not only with the installer, but how the ladder software is written, and what signals it is set up to receive. The fact that the control is Fanuc isn't relevant, either, as there is no single way for a Fanuc or other brand to be interfaced. So, there isn't a way to answer with certainty. Here's a guess based on past experience. When the end-of-bar (EOB) signal is generated during a bar push, the unit should go about loading a new bar into a channel and wait for the next time a collet-open signal is sent from the lathe. The EOB signal should result in a change of program or a different section of the program running which causes the lathe to wait while the new bar comes in and stops in 'top-cut' position, the bar end just through the collet.

Then the lathe should face or partoff the new bar to qualify it, meaning getting it flat and in a known position. Finally, a return to the normal program, which usually does a part feed out first, then machining. My personal preference is to do this with two subprograms called by a change in the optional block skip signal.

Your mileage may vary, so you have to know what signals are passed between the lathe and barfeed. Hope that the interfacer was good enough to make the modifications in the wiring diagram for the lathe and the barfeed.

Just a reminder the simpler the instructions the better. Sometimes I'm not the brightess bulb on the tree. A) Look in your M code list for something that sounds like 'barfeed'. B) Look through programs in the library for something that ressembles what I posted above. I would assume it is in the upper 8000's as far as program numbers.

B1) '9000's' are not 'user definable' and are somewhat passwerd protected. B2) '8000's' can be locked out as well - but are not normally. So the upper 8000's is where the user definable ones are placed sometimes. I don't have Daywoos (?) so I have no idea how they tend to doo it. I doo however run Fanucs.

C) If no luck in the M code sheet - hopefully there are some old programs in the control yet that you can search through and check for an M code that you are not familier with. You may also check in the maintanence manual for 'barfeed' as well. Think Snow Eh!

The most versatile fully-automatic short bar loader. The Quick Load Servo III offers maximum flexibility for small and medium-sized runs in the 6 to 120 mm diameter range.

This bar loader can be fitted to most lathes of fixed headstocks and allows a large number of operations to be carried out in record time. In addition, due to its compact design, it occupies a minimum floorspace. The undisputed reference for short bar loading The Quick Load Servo III higher flexibility allows high-performance work for the most challenging applications. It also allows the available workspace to be used in the.

The LNS servo motor control technology provides the Quick Load Servo III with a precision of bar positioning that is unrivalled on the market. The motor ensures accurate feed out to part links. Servo motor Important run equipment In order to accommodate a broad range of diameters (6-120 mm), the Quick Load Servo III includes a wide range of equipment in the standard version, such as fully-automatic diameter control, Z or X-axis retraction, and a front or rear loading rack.

In addition, various high-value added options extras are available, such as adapters for profiled bars, a shaft loading kit. The undisputed reference for short bar loading Subject to modifications /QLSIII-EN /08-09 The user-friendly remote control helps the operator to set up the unit, and provides selfdiagnosis and monitoring. The LNS worldwide technical support, with direct access to qualified assistance, provides solutions without delay to any production breakdown. At this stage, the technician’s skills, experience, and knowledge, in addition to the equipment’s features, is added value. The way in which the bar loader is set up has an impact on the performance of the lathe / magazine bar loader duo Loading rack Remote. All LNS catalogues and technical brochures.